Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tennis Balls

Oh my - now I've been in America so long that I can't even tell if this is something that they only do here, or whether they do the same thing in Finland. I feel like every single walker I see around here has tennis balls stuck under the back legs. I suppose they are there to make the legs glide easier (for those not familiar with these devices: the front legs have wheels). It is mind boggling that this issue has not been solved in the design of the walkers. Do these people decide every morning whether they put them on depending on the weather or something?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Twist-off caps

Today, after a tough day at work (okay, okay - it wasn't that tough) I felt like having a beer at home. One of the things I seem to never learn is that some of the local bottles come with a twist-off cap. When I then go ahead and open them with my highly masculine kitchen knife technique, the result tends to be catastrophic. Luckily all that happened today was that the cap disappeared magically. A few minutes later I found out that the cap had in fact landed on my head which is at the moment covered with thick winter fur.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


A lot of Americans like to put a ridiculous number of pillows on their beds. Yes, ridiculous. I'm afraid the reason for this behavior is not the popularity of pillow fighting. In fact I have no idea why they do it. Anyone?